“I’m not running another ultra until some time next year”
Phew – nothing to worry about then…
It’s a little over 100 days until the very first Margaret River Ultramarathon and we’re preparing athletes for their Christmas and New Years break and we thought it a good time to share our top-tips for what you should be focusing on in the long summer days spent Holidaying in your favourite locale.
Realistically you have about 4 months of training left. That’s not a lot in Ultramarathon terms so let’s get into our ‘top-3’ Margaret River xmas training tips,
- Tick over those easy aerobic kms. Consistency is key here so rather than burn all your matches on fewer super long runs, look to increase training frequency. Run most days if you can. Get into the rhythm of regular mileage and watch that weekly volume grow. The general rule is to increase weekly run kms by no more than 10% per week however you can add to this with supplementary training. Your holiday break is a great time to be active! Swim, SUP, hike, bike and play! It all counts and it all helps.
- Eat and rest well. Training is the process of applied stress and adaptation. You apply stress when you run but you only get better when you rest and mend. Give your body good post-workout fuel this Christmas by having a protein shake after a run or workout. Around 10% of the protein you ingest after a training run is fully synthesised into muscle cells within 2hrs of consumption. You LITERALLY are what you eat.
Sleep matters too so be sure and get yourself into a good rhythm of 7+ hours a night.
- HAVE FUN! You entered Margaret River because running is the recreational activity you CHOSE to do because you love doing it. So whatever you’re doing and wherever you’re going, make fun a priority. Run with good company in beautiful places and always with a smile on your face and love in your heart. It’s a beautiful world we live in and your amazing body is letting you interact with it in an incredible way.
If you’re training to Margaret River Ultra and would like some help and support with your training, SQUADRUN offer a discounted trial available from here.